Sunday, August 07, 2005

8 August 2005, Do not bear false witness

Tanakh study for 7 August 2005

Do not give false evidence against your neighbour (Complete Jewish Bible).

A straightforward commandment, apparently intended for legal proceedings. As there are many injunctions against violating the Sabbath, there are many injunctions against being a false witness. I believe the legal intent here is clear, when in a court of law, we must be honest. The penalty for being a false witness was that the false witness would receive the punishment for the crime he was witnessing against.

Should this then only be applicable in court or other places as well? We know that Yeshua (Jesus) is the truth and that the truth shall set us free. Does this mean we should always tell the truth, or are white lies permitted. I know that there are many excuses for white lies and half-truths, but I am not convinced that they honour our Lord. In fact many times they are only necessary to cover up other sins, in which case they are definitely wrong. If your spouse or your mother wants to know how they look, and they do not look so hot, then instead of brutal honestly, we can offer constructive criticism (I do remember that my honesty with my mother, while it disheartened her, kept her from leaving the hospital before the doctor was ready to dismiss her.)

Where else should we look to discuss honesty and being an honest witness. Are we honest witnesses to Yeshua HaMoshiach? Do our lives reflect that he is our Lord and Saviour? Do we sometimes hide that we are Christians because our actions or circumstances would cast aspersions on our Christianity? These are questions that we should often consider. Many times the only Bible that some of our friends and neighbours will ever read will be our lives. My collar has often reminded me of what I should be doing or not doing. If I felt embarrassed about watching a movie in my collar, then I should feel embarrassed by watching the movie period. That is why the fringes (tzit tzit ) help me, for when I look at that one blue string, it reminds me that I am to strive for heaven and live in holiness.l

Shalom and blessings in the Name of Yeshua

+Mar Michael Abportus


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