A Sermon for the Astrodome 4 September 2005

A Sermon for the Astrodome (not actually delivered yet because of overcrowding)
Text: Genesis 3:1-24.
Brothers and Sisters in the Lord. The lesson today is a key lesson in understanding the way the world is today. At the beginning of the lesson, we find Adam and Havah in Paradise. While Adam has to work, his work is not tiresome, and he has dominion of the earth and its creatures. It is a state in which we all could enjoy. Then enters the serpent, and catches Havah in a weak moment. Havah then shares with her husband. Then comes the key moment. HaShem asks Adam, “Where are you?” The question refers not to Adams physical location, but to his relationship with God. I truly believe that up to this point, things were not set in stone, but Adam, instead of being a man (Adam) shows he is really still dirt (Adama) and blames Havah. Of course she does not admit her guilt either, and blames the serpent, who did not have a leg to stand on (sorry, couldn’t help that).
Three key points here. First, where was Adam while Havah was being tempted. He should have been somewhere around defending his wife. Second, we are told it was Adam’s sin that brought down creation, not Havah’s which of course says some very strong things about a man’s responsibility in the house and for his family. Thirdly, neither Adam nor Havah take responsibility for their sin.
Creation at this point is transformed. Whereas mankind had a perfect relationship with Yahweh, with nature and with each other, this relationship is destroyed by Adam’s sin. Not only is the relationship destroyed, but nature itself at least of the Earth, and maybe even of the entire universe has been broken. (as referred to by St. Paul in his Epistles). This is shone in several ways. Man now has to toil for his food. He now knows he is naked and must clothe himself. Instead of living forever with HaShem, his lifespan becomes shorter and shorter. Nature instead of being under man’s dominion, becomes something that he must conquer. Storms, earthquakes, volcanoes enter into the world.
In other words, sin has entered into the world and has transformed it, and not for the better. Sin is like a pebble thrown into a large lake. The ripples eventually reach to the shore, whether we observe them or not. Sin, Adam’s sin, my sin, your sin, corrupts nature and results in such disasters as many of you have suffered. We have been corrupted by sin which destroys all. This of course is the bad news, that sin corrupts all and grows and increases. There is even further bad news in that Yahweh punishes societies that ignore his word and commandments. I think most of you know what was to be celebrated in New Orleans this weekend. I believe that most of you know how much money the state of Mississippi is losing because of the loss of gambling income. This is not my judgment. Look at what Yahweh did with his chosen people, kicked out three times because of their disobedience.
Now for the good news. While we must continue living in this corrupt world, there is a saviour. He cries with us, but more importantly when we walk with him, and allow him to be the Lord of our lives, he gives us a peace which the world cannot conquer or understand. He has overcome the world and he gives us the strength to be over comers as well. To join him in being an over comer, we must take several steps, the first of which is to admit that we are sinners, and that we cannot overcome the sin in our life. The second is to recognise that only Jesus can help us conquer our sins and invite him into our hearts and lives, and ask him to send his holy spirit to help us conquer sin in our lives. Thirdly we must seek to live a Christian life which will involve studying God’s word, prayer, seeking holiness and evangelism. There is no cost, except to accept God’s eternal gift which he freely offers, but we must recognise our need to tell him yes constantly. It is as if I offered you a dollar. All you have to do is reach out your hand and accept it. But you also must be willing to allow God to transform your life. The world is full of Christian want-a-bees who are not willing to take on discipline or to allow God to transform their lives. If you have not taken this step yet, I invite you to visit with me or some other pastor and invite Jesus into your heart.
There is yet more good news. I do not believe that you would be here if God did not have a purpose for your life. God has a plan for everyone, but you all must be a special remnant to have made it out. Look for what it is that God has planned for you, it must be something special.
In addition I truly believe that God is trying to get our attention. The Twin towers were no accident. Neither was the San Francisco Earthquake nor Katrina. God is trying to get the attention of the USA, and the western world. Gambling, homosexuality, infidelity in marriage, idolatry of money, cars, houses, our nation is falling deeper and deeper into a pit in which we may not be able to get ourselves out of. We need not only personal repentance, but national repentance as well.
Shalom and blessings in the Name of Yeshua
+Mar Michael Abportus
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